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asking about others’ health
询问他人的健康状况  detail>>
asking about health
询问健康  detail>>
asking others not to bother you
请他人勿扰  detail>>
asking others to get to the point
请对方切入要点  detail>>
asking others to keesilent
安静  detail>>
asking about a meal
询问有关吃饭的事  detail>>
asking about a new baby
询问新生婴儿的情况  detail>>
asking about a schedule
询问时间安排  detail>>
asking about a trian trip
询问有关火车旅行事宜  detail>>
asking about age
询问年龄  detail>>
asking about an accent
哪的口音  detail>>
asking about and describing cities
询问和描述城市  detail>>
asking about and describing clothing
询问并描述穿着  detail>>
asking about and describing homes
询问及描述家  detail>>
asking about and telling time
询问和告诉时间  detail>>
asking about birthdays
询问生日  detail>>
asking about bus routes
询问公共汽车路线  detail>>
asking about computer operations
询问计算机操作的问题  detail>>